The Four Pillars of the New Retirement Webinar
Retirement is changing. The Majority of people are thinking about retirement as "a whole new chapter in my life" with new choices and new freedoms, according to a recent Edward Jones and Age Wave study. No matter what your next chapter looks like, four essential "pillars" can impact your quality of life once you retire. Are you ready for the new retirement?
Retirees and pre-retirees say their greatest financial worry in retirement is health and long-term care costs, according to the Four Pillars of the New Retirement study. Additionally, more than two-thirds (68%) of pre-retirees say they have no idea what their health and long-term care costs may be in retirement. In fact, Edward Jones estimates health care costs to be about $10,000-$12,000 per year for a couple.
The Four Pillars of the New Retirement is an exploration of the many ways retirement is changing and ways to take action today to help ensure you can live retirement on your own terms.
Date and Time
Friday Mar 11, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Friday, March 11, 2022
10:00 a.m.
This seminar is being presented as a webinar:
Zoom link: https://edwardjones.zoom.us/j/93498388230?pwd=dzZGaTFBclRCcE0yemNLR1RKK1k3UT09
Dial In: 1-346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 934 9838 8230
Password: 965096
This seminar is being presented as a webinar:
Zoom link: https://edwardjones.zoom.us/j/93498388230?pwd=dzZGaTFBclRCcE0yemNLR1RKK1k3UT09
Dial In: 1-346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 934 9838 8230
Password: 965096
Contact Information
Karen Rogers, 595 Bethlehem Pike, Suite 106, Montgomeryville, PA 18936 #267-663-7286
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